Rachel Flores
Rachel Flores is the Executive Director for the Amarillo Art Institute. Rachel joined Elevate to connect with others in a similar stage of life and grow alongside them. Her current rotation of favorite movie/book is Rocketman & The House in the Cerulean Sea, respectively. Her favorite place to grab a bite is Indian Oven. She gains inspiration from Adam Grant because he always gives practical applications to help better her outlooks on work/life/relationships and more. As a director for an art school, it may not come as a shock that Rachel enjoys watercolor painting. So therefore she wouldn’t be a crayon color because her medium of choice, she’d be the paint color Pthalo Green.
“People in this group are going through the same things you are: growing their career, trying to network and build relationships, young families, etc. These are literally the people in 10-20 years who are going to be in charge of everything in the city, so it's fun to witness and play a part in the future of our city... dare I say the world?”