Skylar Gallop

Skylar Gallop is a proud West Texas girl who has found her place and her people in the Amarillo community.

She is the Panhandle’s Regional Advocacy Director for Raise Your Hand Texas, a statewide pro-public education policy and advocacy organization. Skylar serves the Amarillo area through nonprofit organizations Elevate Amarillo and Amarillo Angels, as well as on the city’s Parks and Recreation Board, City Plan Steering Committee and Region 16 Service Center’s P-16 Council. Skylar is a member of the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce and Canyon ISD PTA. In 2022, she was proud to be recognized as a Top 20 Under 40 recipient and was appointed to Amarillo’s Partners in Developmental Progress committee where she worked to develop sustainable funding recommendations for the city’s infrastructure needs. Skylar was raised in Seminole, Texas and received her bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism from West Texas A&M University. She made her way around the great state of Texas, working as a television news anchor and reporter for a time before returning home to Amarillo in 2016.

She is happy to raise her two sons, Tristan and Alex, in Amarillo while working to make sure it remains a place they’ll be proud to call home for years to come. Skylar spends her restful time reading, cooking, or gardening and is happiest when she’s trekking or hiking.

Her favorite accessories are her hiking boots and backpack.


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Devin Savage